
How to care fruit tree

Part Three of Three: Caring for a Fruit Tree 1 Decide how to prune.  If you want the tree to produce fruiting branches low to the ground, you can prune it to knee height and cut back the side branches to one or two buds. This will direct the tree's energy to producing low branches at the cuts you made. [5]  On the other hand, you can lop off the bottom branches if you'd prefer the tree not to have branches low to the ground. 2 Protect the tree from sunburn.  Many fruit tree growers use a diluted solution of half white latex paint, half water to paint the tree trunk to act as a sunscreen. If you live in a region with very strong sun, like the Southwestern US, using this method will protect your tree from sun damage. 3 Control weeds.  It's important to weed the area around the tree as it grows to protect the roots and keep the tree growing healthy and strong. Pull the weeds by hand, rather than using an herbicide. [6] 4 Don't overwater.

How to Plant Fruit Trees

Fruit trees are surprisingly easy to grow in a backyard setting, and they yield years' worth of beautiful spring blooms and plentiful fruit. Apple, peach, plum and pear trees all grow well in a variety of climates. When making your selection, confirm with the nursery that your chosen fruit tree is compatible with the environment that you have selected as its home. See Step 1 and beyond to learn how to plant fruit trees so that they thrive for years to come. Part One of Three: Choosing a Tree and Planting Location 1 Buy a grafted fruit tree.  Sweet apples, plums, pears and other fruits come from trees that have been grafted so that they produce the best-tasting fruit. Although fruit trees can be planted from seed, the resulting trees won't necessarily produce fruit that's good to eat. In order to make sure the tree you grow will produce fruit you'll want to eat, the best idea is to buy a grafted fruit tree, which is a very young tree that has been grafte